April 9th, 2009


Hey everyone welcome to my new webcomic. I’ve been thinking about doing this for years and finally got around and did it. This comic will mostly be about these characters and how they interpret pop culture around them. I’m going to try and have new strips up each Thursday. I hope you enjoy it.



  1. Mario Muscar

    Fun so far! I like the analysis of pop culture.

  2. Sean

    Do yur thing, kid.

  3. Vocoder gets serious on the News - Hilarious.net

    […] Ants » Archive » Vocoder SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: “Vocoder gets serious on the News”, url: “http://www.hilarious.net/vocoder-gets-serious-on-the-news/” }); yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = “Vocoder gets serious on the News”; http://www.hilarious.net/vocoder-gets-serious-on-the-news/ […]

  4. Atan

    left 4 dead, i play on pc, is awesome

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