Tweety Bird
April 23rd, 2009

Tweety Bird

Third week and still on schedule. I would like to note one thing, as you can see the font changed. Over time the look of the strip will evolve as I figure out things as I create it. Just a warning to not be surprised. Oh before I forget, an about page with Character descriptions are coming, probably on or after strip number four.



  1. Sean

    Panels 1-3 almost sound like a convo you and I might have Mr. Lytle. Great work my friend, keep hustlin’.

  2. AndrewBoldman

    da best. Keep it going! Thank you

  3. julian

    Thanks alot. I’ll keep it going as long as I can.

  4. Kincannon

    love it. Keep it going! Thank you

  5. Heidtbrink

    love it. thanks for the post. Keep it going! Thank you

  6. Trusty Mutsi

    I totally agree. I think we all expect to be famous and rich, and Twitter kinda makes one of those come true.

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