The 3D Plot
June 24th, 2010

The 3D Plot

Check out the interview I did with the DC Comic Book Examiner, learn more about my craziness.
I want to a shout to that and give some thanks for the opportunity.

I’m having epic level computer issues which is why my update aren’t at my regularly schedule time of 8:00 am on Thursdays. First up MTV is doing this contest for the first TJ (Twitter Jockey). It’s like being a VJ but on twitter. Well I nominated myself cause even though I”m old (MTV demowise) I’m a pop culture beast. So do me a solid and go to this site and nominate me : @julianlytle cause if I can get on the main list that’ll be great cause I can talk about Ants to mad amounts of folks.

Also the next EPIC storyline is coming soon…

If you could give me a Digg or two, feel me.

Ants on Facebook

And read some comics!!

please vote for my webcomic at Top Webcomics it doesn’t take that long and it’s helps me promote the comic. The vote link is below.

Thanks for reading! Hollarate!

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